Knox-Box – Secured Entry Systems (Including Knox Gate Key Switch)
Can we gain access to you and your home or business when we most need to?

McKenzie Fire & Rescue is concerned about rapid access to residents and businesses during their time of need. Firefighters and medical personnel often find themselves frustrated when arriving to find the only access to a threatened structure or patient is through locked gates, doors, etc.
Commercial Knox-Boxes
Locked doors and secured entry points can delay emergency response. Enable first responder rapid access by installing a secure UL listed Knox-Box that houses entry keys and access cards. Built Knox-Rugged to resist physical attack, vandalism, and extreme weather conditions
If you are interested in more information or to purchase a Commercial Knoxbox, please follow this link: or contact Deputy Chief Bart Thompson at 541-896-3311
Residential Knox-Boxes
Knox Homebox Benefits:
- Allows first responders to enter the home quickly
- Reduces forced entry property damage
- Makes re-securing property easier and faster

A Residential Knox-Box is a one-time purchase that requires no monthly monitoring fee. Mount the key safe by the entrance for rapid access by local first responders into residences
If you are interested in more information or to purchase a Residential Knoxbox, please follow this link: or contact Deputy Chief Bart Thompson at 541-896-3311
Knox Gate Key Switch

A Knox Gate Key Switch is a one-time purchase that requires no monthly monitoring fee. Mount the key switch by the gate keypad for rapid access by local first responders.
This device allows us to hold the gate in an open position during the duration of the event, after which, the key switch is returned to the normal position and gate operation is again controlled by your keypad and gate opener system.
If you are interested in more information or to purchase a Knox Gate Key Switch please follow this link: or contact Deputy Chief Bart Thompson at 541-896-3311