Chimney Brushes
Keeping a chimney clean and clear of debris is important to the safety of your family.
Free loaner program
McKenzie Fire & Rescue provides a Chimney Brush Lending Program for wood fireplaces, wood stoves, and pellet stoves. Brushes in multiple sizes and rods are available for loan at no charge at the Leaburg Fire Station during normal business hours.

Chimneys and fireplaces need to be inspected annually
In a recent study, the National Fire Protection Association found the leading cause of home heating fires was failure to clean creosote from, primarily, chimneys.
- Clearances around chimneys, fireplaces and vents must remain unobstructed.
- Annual inspections provide early detection of problems that could cause fires, carbon monoxide poisoning or structural deterioration.
- If an inspection reveals that the chimney or vent installation is unsuitable for any reason, the installation needs to be redone to fit the standards. This may mean installing a larger chimney or correcting construction to meet clearance requirements.
- Cleaning of chimneys and fuel-burning appliance vents needs to be carried out whenever measurable deposits of creosote or other combustible materials are detected.
- If a chimney fire has occurred, extreme heat may have caused damage that cannot be seen with the naked eye. An inspection of the entire chimney, both interior and exterior, is the only way to ensure safe use in the future.
- If you move to a new home, standards dictate that you inspect chimneys, vents and flues before using fuel-burning appliances. Unused chimneys and vents sometimes become home to birds, rodents and other pests. Other hidden problems also may exist.